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Parks Canada Discovery Pass Usage Survey
Let us know how you've been spending time in nature this month and which national parks, national marine conservation areas, or national historic sites you visited. Your participation provides important support for continuation of this program.
I am filling out this survey for _______.
Select one...
Select one...
On average, I spent _______ hours/week in nature this month.
Select one...
Less than 2.5 hours per week
2.5-5 hours per week
5-10 hours per week
10+ hours per week
On average, I spent _______ days/week in nature this month.
Select one...
0 days per week
1-3 days per week
4-6 days per week
Every day
I used my Discovery Pass _______ times this month. (E.g. a 2 day trip = 2 times)
Select one...
0 times
1-3 times
4+ times
Did you take a trip that included an overnight visit with your Discovery Pass?
Select one...
More than once
Which locations did you access with your Discovery Pass? Select all that apply.
To check more than one location or to deselect a location, hold the 'Ctrl' key. Your selections will be highlighted in grey.
Glacier National Park
Kootenay National Park
Mount Revelstoke National Park
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Yoho National Park
Fort Langley National Historic Site
Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site
Fort St. James National Historic Site
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
Banff National Park
Elk Island National Park
Jasper National Park
Waterton Lakes National Park
Banff Park Museum National Historic Site
Bar U Ranch National Historic Site
Cave and Basin National Historic Site
Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
Prince Albert National Park
Grasslands National Park
Batoche National Historic Site
Fort Battleford National Historic Site
Fort Walsh National Historic Site
Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site
Riding Mountain National Park
The Forks National Park
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site
Riel House National Historic Site
Bruce Peninsula National Park
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Point Pelee National Park
Pukaskwa National Park
Bellevue House National Historic Site
Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site
Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site
Fort George National Historic Site
Fort Malden National Historic Site
Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site
Fort Wellington National Historic Site
HMCS Haida National Historic Site
Laurier House National Historic Site
Woodside National Historic Site
Fathom Five National Marine Park
La Mauricie National Park
Forillon National Park
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site
Battle of the Restigouche National Historic Site
Coteau du Lac National Historic Site
Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site
Fort Chambly National Historic Site
Fort Lennox National Historic Site
Obadjiwan-Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site
Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site
Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site
Lévis Forts National Historic Site
Louis S. St. Laurent National Historic Site
Manoir-Papineau National Historic Site
Pointe-au-Père Lighthouse National Historic Site
Sir George-Étienne Cartier National Historic Site
Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux National Historic Site
Sir Wilfrid Laurier National Historic Site
The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site
Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park
Kouchibouguac National Park
Fundy National Park
Carleton Martello Tower National Historic Site
Fort Beauséjour – Fort Cumberland National Historic Site
Monument-Lefebvre National Park
St. Andrew's Blockhouse National Park
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site
Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Fort Anne National Historic Site
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
Grand-Pré National Historic Site
Georges Island National Historic Site
Port-Royal National Historic Site
Prince Edward Island National Park
Green Gables Heritage Place
Gros Morne National Park
Terra Nova National Park
Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site
Castle Hill National Historic Site
Hawthorne Cottage National Historic Site
L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site
Port au Choix National Historic Site
Red Bay National Historic Site
Ryan Premises National Historic Site
Signal Hill National Historic Site
Email address
Comments (e.g. How has incorporating more nature into your life affected your health?)
I give the BC Parks Foundation permission to use my comments to help motivate others to spend time in nature for their health in newsletters, blogs, or other media...
Using my first name and city (e.g. John from Vancouver).
I'd like to be contacted about opportunities to share my nature prescription story with a wider audience in a blog, news interview, or documentary.
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Want some tips on how to build a nature habit?
Click here.
Want to start prescribing nature?
Click here to get started.
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